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Modern hub

in the middle of Bratislava

Thanks to BCS can municipal budgetary and contributory organizations of Bratislava fully dedicate themselves to what they do best. You can find all administrative activities in BCS in one place.

bledomodrý kruh s ôsmymi bielymi bodmi vyjadrujúci expertízu v ôsmych oblastiach


launched service areas

BCS Portal, data updated as of 13.2.2025
bledomodrý kruh so štyrmi bielymi čiarkami v štyroch smeroch znázorňujúci efektívnosť a transparentnosť


types of services provided

BCS Portal, data updated as of 13.2.2025
bledomodrý kruh s bielym znakom hlavného mesta Bratislava vyjadrujúci pomoc mestu skvalitniť služby


participating organizations

BCS Portal, data updated as of 13.2.2025
bledomodrý kruh s bielym znakom hlavného mesta Bratislava vyjadrujúci pomoc mestu skvalitniť služby

1 318

requests received

BCS Portal, data updated as of 13.2.2025
bledomodrý kruh s bielym znakom hlavného mesta Bratislava vyjadrujúci pomoc mestu skvalitniť služby


requests resolved

BCS Portal, data updated as of 13.2.2025
bledomodrý kruh s bielym znakom hlavného mesta Bratislava vyjadrujúci pomoc mestu skvalitniť služby


of requests fulfilled within the guaranteed time frame

BCS Portal, data updated as of 13.2.2025
bledomodrý kruh s bielym znakom hlavného mesta Bratislava vyjadrujúci pomoc mestu skvalitniť služby


satisfaction rating

BCS Portal, data updated as of 13.2.2025

Bratislavské centrum služieb is the first project in Slovakia offering shared services within this kind of range. Centralizing experts in one location provides support for other municipal budgetary and contributory organizations in Bratislava will bring higher quality services and save public funds.

We have brought together experienced professionals from various fields to effectively assist municipal budgetary and contributory organizations with a diverse range of administrative activities. The shared services center is a new solution that changes the way city organizations have operated so far, creating space for innovation and increasing flexibility in processes.

We are here to help municipal budgetary and contributory organizations do things even better, more efficiently, and transparently. We will achieve this goal by relieving them of tasks that do not fall within their core responsibilities. With our support, they will have more time and energy to focus on what they do best.

We provide our services with expertise and empathy

Professionals from the Bratislavské centrum služieb assist municipal budgetary and contributory organizations in the following areas.

Do you have questions?

If you have any kind
of question do not
hesitate to contact us.